knits by sachi

Writing patterns

My Facebook friend has sent me this photo.


It is so encouraging to know that some knitters are enjoying my patterns. This photo means so much to me.

I am still very new to publishing patterns. Yes, I have been writing patterns for some time, but they were only for myself for future references and have been kept in my computer quietly.

It is daunting to show my patterns to other knitters. It is very scary.

It takes a lot to write up a pattern. The stitch counts have to be always right. The sewing instructions have to be clear and easy to understand. I quite often struggle on describing the assembling steps.

It is not easy to be working on patterns on your own and have no pattern checker. I have been making mistakes although I had checked them over and over before saving them as PDF.

But last night, I found that working with editorial team can be tricky, too.

You may get the drift. I have sad news. The Polar Bear pattern in Knit Now contains a mistake.

In baby bear row 12, I originally wrote, dec 1 st at both ends. It was changed to k2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog during the editing process. It would have worked if this row was a k row, but it is p row, so it should have been p2tog, p to last 2 sts, p2tog.

It is very difficult to spot something like this unless you knit the pattern yourself again. I happened to notice it last night when I was making another bear for a gift.

I proof read the pattern before publication and I need to be responsible as a designer. I am truly sorry if I caused you a headache.

But I am learning everyday. I will be a better designer with experiences.

So please please forgive me and let me write more for you.

DSCF4027The bear lost the stars in editing, too. I wonder if you want the crochet pattern.


My magazine article


I got this from a book shop yesterday. I cannot tell you how exciting to see your work on a magazine rack.

I made a pattern to knit polar bears, one mummy bear and two baby bears. Originally I made crochet stars to go with them and call the set “Wishing upon a star”, but I guess the editors didn’t want to include crochet in a knitting magazine. But the article still look very nice.


The magazine comes with a bear making kit. I love the way it is done.


Editors even showing step-by-step tutorials in their blog.

It was still July when I got this job and I had to use a bit of an imagination for a cold winter. But it is getting cold. I am sure the little bears will lighten up your day.

My next article will be out in spring. It is still a secret, but I will not disappoint you.


My article

My article

I submitted an article a while ago to a knitting magazine. It has been almost 4 months now.

I originally thought mine was going into the October issue.

But October came and almost going, and the November issue is already out.

I started wondering what has become of my article. Did the editor thrown it away? They would certainly tell me so if things didn’t work as planed.

But I received an e-mail a couple of days ago. The article was neatly laid out with a beautifully taken professional photograph! I was suppose to check all the writings.

How exciting! My first proper job as a knit designer!

How did I get this job?

I just e-mailed the editor and show some photos of my works. I don’t know anyone in the editorial.

It was a little daunting, but you need to start from somewhere, so I knocked on her door.

I received the book publishing deal the same way. I sent a proposition to the editor.

I keep sending my ideas to magazines. Quite often I do not get any reply.

But who cares?

You need talent to recognize talent. If they don’t like your stuff, it is their loss, not mine!

The article will be in Knit Now issue 28, the next one coming out. It comes with my “Petite Polar Bear” knitting kit!