knits by sachi

Knitted flower children

on April 26, 2015

My Miss Dandelion and her little brother.


My boys enjoyed Waldorf education when they were very young.

They spent their early years without television or computer games. They also did not read or write until they were over six years old.

They properly did their bits of being children and I am glad that they did.

I came across the idea of creating a nature table through the Waldorf kindergarten.

A Nature Table is basically a table that contains objects and/or scenes related to the current season, or upcoming festival. I really love this idea. I had a friend who had a beautiful nature table at her house every season. She was collecting little dolls and animals and quite often, I saw my work displayed on that table.

Ever since I got addicted to knitting little human figures, I always wanted to create flower children. Flower children appear on a nature table in spring to early summer. I made some with felt fabric in the past.
Like these strawberry children.


and these.


I got inspirations from these books.

They were first published in Germany and my books are all in German. But you can get English version now. They are called “Making flower children” and “Making more flower children”.

The figures have pipe cleaners wrapped with wool inside. These figures needs something as a body frame which works as a skeleton. The face is first covered with a gauze tube and then, wrapped with stretchy stockinette. Finally, the felt fabric is sewn to the body. You can use Merino wool or yarn for hair.

I do like making these, but I prefer knitted dolls. Making dolls with knitted pieces does not require pipe cleaners and you can stuff it with stuffing wool or polyester toy filling. You do need to know how to knit and purl of course, but it doesn’t require doll making skills too much.

I started with early spring flower children. Here are Miss Crocus.

Miss Pansy and Miss Forget-me-not.

To make flowers, I have used light weight garden wire and for some, materials for paper flowers.

These little fairies are making my room lively and colourful. I am enjoying the warm, sunny weather with these them.


14 responses to “Knitted flower children

  1. These knits looks really pretty, and they look even more pretty to me with all those flowers and the flower and nature themes! ^_^

  2. Kathleen Brulc says:

    Oh, these are so, so sweet. Will you be publishing these in a book or magazine? I want to knit them! Thank you for sharing your delightful creativity.

    • knitsbysachi says:

      Thank you! I made Miss Crocus for one of the projects I am doing for Knit Now magazine, so you may see them at the end of the year. I will let you know more about it in when I find out more.

  3. ambersharipov says:

    Do you sell a pattern for these??? They are so lovely!

  4. ambersharipov says:

    Do you sell a pattern for these? They are so lovely!

    • knitsbysachi says:

      You may see the Miss Crocus in the project I am doing with a magazine. It is still very early stage, but I will let you know.

      • if you could make a doll base pattern (feminine and masculine) and sell it on Ravelry or Etsy, as well as those already on sale there, that would be great, because all can not buy a magazine. Thanks

  5. savitri says:

    Hi! Love your little flowergirls. I would love to make some for my kids waldorfschool. Is there some way i can get my hand on a pattern in holland? In english is ok.. i can read an english patern. 🙂 hope you can help.. 🙂
    With love,

    • knitsbysachi says:

      I am so sorry for such a late reply. Your message was hidden somewhere and I just noticed it now. You can get some patterns online. The flower girls pattern is not published yet. I will have a think.

  6. Fiona Counsel says:

    I would love to buy a book on all your flower fairies!!! Please publish a pattern of flower fairies!

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